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WynnSights Blog

Hugh F. Wynn
Jan 14, 20223 min read
Get-Rich-Quick Investing Dominated 2021 - Will 2022 Follow Suit?
If ever there was a year…in a series of years…that offered puzzling choices to investors, it was 2021.

Hugh F. Wynn
Dec 31, 20214 min read
Resolution 2022: How to Declutter Your Investments this Year
New Year’s resolution: Take a hard look at your increasingly complex investments and simplify things.

Hugh F. Wynn
Dec 16, 20217 min read
Four Financial Gifts for Your Kids That Keep on Giving
Now that it's the gifting season consider giving your kids or grandkids - or a kid you just like - the gift of financial knowledge.

Hugh F. Wynn
Dec 9, 20213 min read
Roth Conversions are Righteous - Under the Right Conditions
If you have money tied up in traditional IRAs and/or 401(k)s, you might wonder if, when, and how you do Roth IRA conversions.

Hugh F. Wynn
Dec 2, 20214 min read
Addressing Allegations: Are TDFs Costly and Inefficient?
I've been asked why I include Target-Date Funds (TDFs) in my investing strategy as some contend they are inefficient and costly.

Hugh F. Wynn
Nov 18, 20213 min read
Passive vs. Active Investing: Which is Best for Who?
Passive investing versus active investing - which is better for who?

Hugh F. Wynn
Nov 11, 20215 min read
The Boomer Retirement Boom: Can They Afford Their Golden Years?
Can Baby Boomers afford 25-35 years (or more) of retirement, or will their Golden Years slowly lose their luster?

Hugh F. Wynn
Oct 28, 20214 min read
Take Cautionary Steps to Navigate the Current Inflation Spiral
We're in the midst of an inflation SPIRAL. Is it momentary or will it hang around for a while. That's the BIG question.

Hugh F. Wynn
Sep 30, 20213 min read
7 Investing Tips I Learned the Hard Way
Newbie investors learn through personal experiences – both good and bad. Here are seven investing tips learned the hard way.

Hugh F. Wynn
Sep 23, 20214 min read
Make Investment Bank Using the Eighth Wonder of World
Albert Einstein referred to compound interest as the “Eighth Wonder of the World…the most powerful force in the universe."

Hugh F. Wynn
Sep 16, 20214 min read
Pushing Boundaries: Investing in 401(k)s and IRAs at the same time
Take your retirement savings to the next level by investing simultaneously in a 401(k) retirement plan and an IRA.

Hugh F. Wynn
Sep 9, 20214 min read
RIP: How to Ensure that Your Beneficiaries are Set in Stone
When preparing your last will and testament, I cannot stress enough the importance of choosing your beneficiaries.

Hugh F. Wynn
Aug 26, 20214 min read
Inquiring Minds: Is Our Economy Headed for a Meltdown?
Most folks are familiar with “meltdowns”. But what about a “melt-up”? And is our economy in a melt-up heading for a dreaded meltdown?

Hugh F. Wynn
Aug 12, 20213 min read
Trading vs. Investing: Which is More Likely to Reap Rewards?
These are two very different approaches to making money in the stock and bond markets - essentially trading versus investing.

Hugh F. Wynn
Aug 5, 20214 min read
Target-Date Funds Let You "Set It and Forget It"
A target date fund automatically changes your investments from high-risk, high-reward to low-risk, low-reward as you near retirement.

Hugh F. Wynn
Jul 22, 20214 min read
The Secret to My (Investing) Success
My PDQ Principles of Investing (Patience, Diversification and Quality) revolve around the concept of simplicity.

Hugh F. Wynn
Jun 24, 20217 min read
America's Housing Market: Is the Bubble About to Burst?
America is experiencing an extremely competitive housing marketplace, reminiscent of the Great Recession.

Hugh F. Wynn
May 13, 20214 min read
Crypto Craze: Is it a Bubble or Here to Stay?
Bitcoin...Dogecoin...Binance Coin. It's all science fiction to me. But even a conservative investor like me is curious about the future...

Hugh F. Wynn
Apr 22, 20214 min read
Annuities Can Play an Important Role in Your Retirement Plan
Many people view their retirement plans as one-dimensional portfolios but that couldn't be further from the truth. You can have include...

Hugh F. Wynn
Mar 11, 20213 min read
#TradingSpaces: Has Robinhood Lost its Luster?
In this week's #TradingSpaces I opine on one of the best known - perhaps, infamous - online trading platforms. Robinhood has attracted...

Hugh F. Wynn
Feb 11, 20216 min read
Exercise Patience You Will, Young Investor
I was very pleased to get a question from a young, fledgling investor who is ready to storm the market with a year's worth of income!...
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