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WynnSights Blog

Hugh F. Wynn
Aug 11, 20223 min read
Bear Down: Should You Take Advantage of the '22 Stock Rally?
2022 has been a bear of a year for investors, but it looks like the market is rallying - is it just a temporary pause in the downward trend?

Hugh F. Wynn
Jul 21, 20223 min read
How to Maximize Your Inheritance Allocations
Planning how to allocate the fruits of your investments post-mortem doesn't have to be depressing. But it does require strategic thinking!

Hugh F. Wynn
Jul 14, 20224 min read
Your Age and Life Stage Help Predict Bear Market Choices
A bear market is never a pleasant experience, but its effects can vary depending on where one is on the age spectrum.

Hugh F. Wynn
Jun 23, 20227 min read
There's No Time Like Now to Make Your Coins Work for You
Here's how to make a lot more money (I'm talking millions) for your retirement by starting early.

Hugh F. Wynn
Jun 16, 20224 min read
Poking the Bear: Use the Current Market Instability to Your Advantage
In this dark and chaotic bear market are a few bright rays of hope that a savvy investor can use to their advantage.

Hugh F. Wynn
Jun 2, 20224 min read
Trial by Inflation: Patience is the Guardian of Joy (and Your Money)
It's human nature to seek advice from others or mimic the crowd is during inflationary times, but that can be worse than inflation itself.

Hugh F. Wynn
May 26, 20226 min read
The 529 Plan: A Smart Alternative to College Loan Debt
The collective college loan debt in America is about $1.75 trillion. Let's talk about the 529 plan - a shining alternative to college loans.

Hugh F. Wynn
May 19, 20225 min read
I Bond Interest Rates - and Interest in I Bonds - Continue to Grow
The I Bond interest rate is experiencing another growth spurt. Take a look at these inflation-adjusted alternatives to bank accounts.

Hugh F. Wynn
May 5, 20224 min read
Don't Chicken Out; Be A Bull During a Bear Market
If you're feeling lightheaded, uncomfortable, or sick to your stomach in the midst of this Bear-ish market, you're not alone.

Hugh F. Wynn
Apr 21, 20225 min read
The $35 Trillion Mission: How to Prepare Heirs for What's Their's
The greatest transfer of wealth in modern history is upon us. This issue raises important discussion about inheritance and heirs.

Hugh F. Wynn
Apr 14, 20225 min read
There's More to the Hot Housing Market than Buying and Selling
There are other options to consider before sticking a "For Sale" sign in your yard. Let's talk about home equity line of credit (HELOC).

Hugh F. Wynn
Apr 7, 20224 min read
Life's Complicated Enough. Keep Investing Simple.
According to many great minds, high-browed sophistication and complexity does not beat simplicity when it comes to investing.

Hugh F. Wynn
Mar 31, 20224 min read
The Bogle Behind My Long-Term Investment Strategy
In these trying times, I feel compelled to revisit the rules I follow in my never-ending pursuit of a better investment plan.

Hugh F. Wynn
Mar 24, 20223 min read
Diversify: Play the Field (Wisely) with Your Investment Funds
Investment diversification is more than just NOT putting all of your eggs in one basket (nice Easter bunny reference there, right?).

Hugh F. Wynn
Mar 10, 20224 min read
Selling Point: How do Origination and Discount Points Affect a Loan?
I want to make a point about points - origination points and discount points. These loan terms can be confusing to new homebuyers.

Hugh F. Wynn
Feb 24, 20225 min read
Tug of War: Is the Market in Crisis?
We're experiencing a market correction and have our foe in eastern Europe at least partically to thank. But there's more to it than that.

Hugh F. Wynn
Feb 17, 20226 min read
I Bonds: The Wallflower of Retirement Investments is in Bloom
Known as the "wallflower" of investments, the virtually risk-free U. S. Treasury-issued Series I Savings Bonds are making a big splash. Why?

Hugh F. Wynn
Feb 10, 20226 min read
America's Housing Market: Will the Bubble Survive 2022?
Can - and will - America's housing market bubble survive another year?

Hugh F. Wynn
Feb 3, 20223 min read
How to Deal with (Stock Market) Losses Without Losing It
Millions of investors suffered stock market losses in January after the S&P 500 turned in its worst monthly performance since March 2020.

Hugh F. Wynn
Jan 27, 20222 min read
When the Market is in Turmoil, Remember This, Too, Shall Pass
Volatility may very well be the watch word for the early months of 2022. Market uncertainty, unpredictability, instability. VOLATILITY.

Hugh F. Wynn
Jan 20, 20224 min read
Ommmm: The Search for Financial Peace of Mind
Why do we make things so complicated when evaluating - and making - investments?
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